Za večjo vlogo v novi strategiji Caritas Europa

Mreža Caritas Europa je pred zelo pomembnim prelomom in velikim trenutkom – ustvarja nov strateški okvir, ki bo oblikoval delo v prihodnjih osmih letih. Poskrbimo, da bo angažiranost mladih ena izmed prednostnih nalog v njem! Hvala!

Mladi iz širše skupnosti youngCaritas zahtevajo, da Caritas Europa vključi mlade v vse odbore, ki sprejemajo odločitve. S peticijo pozivajo, da v novem strateškem okviru Caritas Europe za obdobje 2021-2028, postavijo skupino YoungCaritas in vsa njena prizadevanja za krepitev vloge mladih, kot glavno prednostno nalogo.

Caritas Europa network is ahead of a very big moment – creating a new Strategy Framework that will shape their work in the coming eight years! Let's make sure that youth engagement will be made one of the priorities in it! If we want to continue our work on increasing youth engagement and creating new opportunities in Caritas for young people, then we need strong institutional support in the whole network.Young Caritas Task Force members prepared a petition to the Caritas Europa Executive Board with a call to put youth engagement as one of the priorities in the new Strategic Framework.Below you can find the links to the petition in different languages, English, German and French.If a youth is also important to you then sign the petition and make sure that your colleagues and volunteers will sign it too! ✒️Let's show the power of youth and our commitment to them! ???? Petition Link (English): Petition Link (German): Petition Link (Francais):

Gepostet von YoungCaritas in Europe am Samstag, 7. Dezember 2019

Podpis peticije